Reel Opportunities

Transportation Coordinator

What does a Transportation Coordinator do?

The Transportation Coordinator is responsible for managing the transportation department and overseeing the transportation needs of the film crew and staff. They are in charge of getting everyone and everything from place to place. They are responsible for renting vehicles (including trucks or trailers used for makeup, costumes, lighting and other gear), personal trailers for the actors, and any cars that will actually be used on camera. They will also be in charge of hiring Drivers.

Transportation Coordinators are master schedulers. On larger productions they might oversee a fleet of cast and crew cars, as well as cargo transports, making sure everyone and everything arrives on time. They must be skilled in transporting cargo, and are responsible for handling the logistics of transporting cast and crew plus the associated equipment to the location of the film shoot. They must have motivation to work well under pressure and the ability to work long hours despite various weather conditions.

What's a Transportation Coordinator good at?
  • Organization

    Be good at scheduling and keeping track of transporting cargo

  • Communication

    Manage a team towards a shared goal, be able to communicate clearly with all team members

  • Resilience

    Remain calm and confident under pressure, cope well with fast- paced environments and short deadlines, be adaptable, use initiative, have a positive attitude

  • Attention to detail

    Be aware of the various rules and regulations and follow them accordingly when transporting cast and crew

Who does a Transportation Coordinator work with?

The Transportation Coordinator works mainly with the Drivers and Transportation Captains, as well as the production office personnel such as the Production Coordinator and Assistant Production Manager.

How do I become a Transportation Coordinator?

Transportation Coordinators usually start out as Drivers then work their way up to Transportation Captains and eventually Transportation Coordinators. They work their way up by learning and exhibiting organization skills and scheduling skills. Since everyone and everything needs to be in place at a certain time and it is our job to get them there, it is an important job. No specific credentials other than a drivers’ license are required.

More tips

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Job Profile Design by Dave Gray. Based on an original concept by Ian Murphy/Allan Burrell.